
© Julie Murray, JAM Graphics

Post-Conference Nature Photography Excursion to Sweetwater Wetlands

It has become the tradition to have a post-meeting group event which takes advantage of the local area and this year several members will be getting together in the morning on Saturday after the conference to photograph at the nearby Sweetwater Wetlands. Anyone attending BIOCOMM is welcome to join the group for this optional get together. 

We will gather at Westward Look at 8AM and drive about 20 minutes across town to the preserve for an informal wander around the grounds in search of the local flora and fauna. More information and sign-ups will be available when you get to the hotel.

Sweetwater is an oasis of wildlife, located just on the edge of Tucson. It is worth stopping by at any time of the year, where the paths are easy to navigate and migrating birds and local wildlife are easy to find. For more information about the site from the City of Tucson, click below:

The following images were all taken at Sweetwater Wetlands by Kathryn Hayden and James Hayden over the course of several visits. Some birds and animals are common, some are rare, but all were easily accessible over the course of a few hours while walking the grounds. 

There are ponds and scrub and other variable habitats, all offering a rich biodiversity. Here are a few examples:

Program subject to change.