Who We Are

The BioCommunications Association (BCA), is an international association of photographers, videographers, illustrators and graphic designers who create visual media for medicine and science. Our mission is to enhance professional competency and advance the profession through the education and development of our members.

Upcoming Events


News & publications

BIOCOMM 2025 - Call for Papers

BIOCOMM 2025 is on the horizon. Planning for the meeting is well underway and we already have some great presentation…

4th annual Forensic Photography Symposium (FPS)

The Forensic Photography Symposium (FPS) is a premier virtual event bringing together forensic photography profession…

Member features with three images in NanoArtography awards

Congratulations to BCA member José Manuel Martínez López who has three of his images in the fina…

Beautiful Bacteria

Mesmerizing Photomicroscopy of Earth’s Oldest Life-forms Centuries after it enchanted the early microscopists,…

Clinical Photography - Theory and Practice

A new textbook on clinical photography has been written and edited in the UK, though it is aimed at a worldwide audie…

Behind the image

Visualize the beauty of science and medicine

Behind the image showcases the beauty and complexity of medicine and science through the eyes of professional photographers, videographers and illustrators. The quality of their work reflects how much they love what they do and sharing with it others. Learn more about how the image was made and about the person who made it.


Join Us


Become involved in a Professional Association that will develop your career

BCA is more than pretty pictures - it is learning and sharing specialized imaging techniques and supporting imaging professionals at every stage in their careers:

  • Attend Conferences
  • Enter BioImages
  • Opportunities to Present
  • Networking
  • Job Postings
  • Publish your Work
  • Grant Funding
  • Career Development
  • Certification