Julie Murray, FBCA

Julie Murray, FBCA


Julie Murray, FBCA has been a professional medical photographer for over forty years. She was the Director of the Medical Photography and Graphics departments at St Vincent’s & Mater Health, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia before opening her own business, JAM Graphics, in 2013. Julie’s skills, training and education in photography and graphic design led her into a transition from photographer to illustrator. She is well known as a dynamic graphic designer, leading visual communicator and a highly accomplished photographer.

Throughout Julie’s career she has always been active in several professional organisations including the BioCommunications Association (BCA), the Institute of Photographic Technology, Inc. (IPT), the Australian Institute of Medical and Biological Illustration (AIMBI) and the Australia Institute of Professional Photography (AIPP).

She has been a member of BCA (BPA) for over twenty years. For many years she was a member of the editorial board for the JBC (Journal of Biocommunication) as well as the conduit to the Australian journal, ‘Network’, for AIMBI (Australian Institute of Medical and Biological Illustration). For over twenty years, Julie was the editor of Network. Julie Murray furthered the education of the industry in Australia by publishing articles on numerous topics as well as including international papers and articles from BCA members. Julie has also represented the BCA on the prestigious Lennart Nilsson Award.

Julie has always encouraged younger photographers to extend themselves with further education and photography pursuits and is the New South Wales representative of the AIMBI Registration and Education Board. This board is responsible for assessing eligibility for Registered Biological Illustrator (RBI), Associateships and Fellowships.

Julie has always been involved in various professional activities and positions throughout her career as a member of AIMBI. She has been a member of National Council, Conference committee member, Convenor and President.

Julie is an AIPP (Australian Institute of Professional Photographers) accredited photographer holding the level of Licentiate. For thirty years Julie has been a judge for the Australian Professional Photography Awards (The APPA’s). These industry awards are held in high esteem in Australia, as are the judges. She was instrumental in developing a specific category for bioimaging.

She has been recruited to judge submitted images by AIPP photographers applying for accreditation in AIPP.

Julie holds numerous certifications including Registered Biological Illustrator (RBI), Associateship and Fellowship in the Australian Institute of Medical and Biological Illustration. She has also received numerous award and recognitions for her photography and illustration from professional organizations.

Find out more about Julie here