Microscopy as a tool for science, art and procrastination

Mar 6, 2024

March 6, 2024, 5 PM US Eastern Standard Time

BCA is happy to announce our first speaker in the BCA Spotlight Series for 2024. José Manuel Martínez López is from Quima Tech in Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua México and is a member of BCA. Manuel will discuss the creation of some of his high magnification images and will discuss how science, art, and procrastination blend together in his daily work.

Manuel was the recipient of the 2022 BioImages Premier Award in the Magnified Imaging category for his image Amino acid Loto (shown below) for which he also received the Charles Foster Memorial Citation. In BioImages 2023, Manuel was again the winner of the Charles Foster Memorial Citation for his image Vitral. (shown above)

Manuel is an electromechanical engineer and holds a MSc in production technology. He has been a microscopist at Quimica Tech in Chihuahua, Mexico since 20011. He teaches customers how to use a range of instruments, from the simplest microscopes up to confocal and SEM systems. He also adapts microscopes to fulfill unique requirements not addressed by various manufacturers. He has given more than 20 conferences about microscopy and owns a patent for a device to observe wafers inside LEDs.

This Spotlight presentation was held on Wednesday March 6, 2024. If you missed it live we have now uploaded it to the BCA YouTube so you can still see this presentation.

Learn more about Quima Tech on Instagram or their website.

Spotlight is a BCA online activity that highlights a member or invited guest to present aspects of their work and profession. The March 6, 2024 event is free but requires online registration.

To learn more about other BCA online meetings click here

Amino acid Loto © José Manuel Martínez López, MSc