Teri Zgoda
Teri Zgoda learned techniques required to make scientific photos at the Rochester Institute of Technology, where she studied biomedical photographic communications. After graduating, Teri served as a microscopy intern at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, MA, where she assisted students in photographing the curiosities they were observing under the microscope in various courses offered at the MBL. Zgoda's images and videos have been recognized by the Nikon Small World competition multiple times, dating back to an Image of Distinction award in 2015. Teri’s passion lies in scientific photography and loves blending art with science that creates beautiful pictures but also shares multitudes of information.
She enjoys microscopy, aerial, and wildlife photography. She first worked with confocal fluorescence microscopy in college, and her confocal image of a tapeworm head placed fourth in Nikon Small World's microscopy competition in 2017. Two years later in 2019 she earned first place in the competition with a collaborative photo of a turtle embryo. Teri was working as an assistant in the microscopy core at Brigham Women’s Hospital research center in Boston at that time.
Currently she works for Phase One as a Systems Support Manager, where she focuses on the installation and training for the company's aerial camera systems. It is a very exciting and challenging place to work.