United States
Director (retired)
BioMedical Graphics
The Scripps Research Institute
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Snowy Egret Landing
Snowy Egret (Egretta thula) following a duck for opportunity to steal its food. San Elijo Lagoons, Encinitas, California.
Code Blue!
Illustration created to help promote awareness of CPR training course.
Quartz Sample
Polarized photomicrograph of quartz sample for geology research.
Spotted Towhee
Spotted Towhee (Pipilo maculatus), a New World sparrow, which typically are found in western United States.
Dental Occlusion
Left lateral view of dental occlusion imaged off front surface mirror.
Mouse Knee Joint
Photomicrograph of trichrome stained tissue, with didymium filter.
Adult Pronghorns (Antilocapra americana) are shown "courting" during their annual rut, Yellowstone National Park, Montana, USA.
Rialto Beach
Driftwood opening view of Rialto Beach seascape, Olympic National Park, Washington, USA.
Western Grebes "Dancing"
Western Grebes (Aechmophorus occidentalis) doing their unique mating courtship behaviour, Escondido, California.
Logan Pass
Landscape of Logan Pass, Glacier National Park, Montana, USA.
Surgical procedure to repair severely damaged skull tissue with synthetic prosthesis.
Bull Elk
Male Elk (Cervus canadensis) standing guard near its female herd. Imaged at Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado, USA.
Male Nuttall's Woodpecker checks whether it's safe to enter cavity nest to feed nestlings.
Anna' Hummingbird feeds two nestlings using its very long tongue to transfer nectar.