The Journal of Biocommunication
The Journal of Biocommunication (JBC) is the professional journal of the Association of Medical Illustrators and the BioCommunications Association.
Vol. 46 No. 2 (2022)
In issue 46-2 we have assembled some diverse content for this issue, including four more historical presentations from Dr. Richard Byrne who was the keynote Speaker at BIO '76, and he also presented at Vision '82 (BPA's Annual Meeting) and at a number of BPA regional meetings. We include two image-rich Showcases for this issue. Our first JBC Showcase features the award-winning medical illustration of John Daugherty. John was the recipient of the Association of Medical Illustrators' 2022 Lifetime Achievement Award. Our second JBC Showcase features the award-winning natural science photography of Charles "Chip" Hedgcock, a medical/scientific photographer from Arizona. Chip has combined his love of the outdoors with more than 30 years of natural science photography. Our JBC Gallery features the Professional Category award winners from the Association of Medical Illustrators' 2022 Salon.
Vol. 46 No. 1 (2022)
In issue 46-1 we include an image-rich BCA Gallery featuring the winners of the 2021 BioImages Salon. Our JBC Showcase offers a stunning selection of natural science images captured by BCA Emeritus Member, Bob Turner who has a passion for traveling in pursuit of imaging different wildlife species and unusual scenic environments. This issue also includes a Vesalius Trust research poster by University of Illinois authors, Emilyn Frohn, Leah Lebowicz, Rex Twedt, and Christine Young and we continue with a series of legacy articles by the late Dr. Richard Byrne.
Vol. 45 No. 2 (2021)
Issue 45-2 includes four historical articles and original audio recordings of the late Dr. Richard Byrne called Breakthrough - Championship Living in a Computer Age. Dr. Byrne was the Keynote Speaker at Bio '76 and was a frequent presenter at BCA's annual and regional meetings. Dr. Byrne had been Dean, Annenberg School of Communication, University of Southern California (USC).
Our issue includes a JBC Memorial Showcase and features written remembrances of beloved AMI member, Craig Gosling, who passed away this year. This issue also features the Professional Category's award winners from AMI's 2021 Virtual Salon.