Louis Schmidt Award

© Robin Williams BSc MPhil PhD FBCA

2013 Louis Schmidt Laureate: John Hendrix, RBP, FBCA

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

John Hendrix served as Director of The Image Centre at Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, Canada from 1988-2005. During this time, he led the transition from silver-based technology to digital imaging. His department was the first in the hospital to network and use computers to manage accounts and workflow. He implemented video conferencing (with the Department of Surgery) for “real-time training” between the operating rooms and the University of Toronto Surgical Skills Training Center. This program was expanded globally to other hospitals and universities. He previously served as medical photographer at Toronto Western Hospital and research photographer for the Psoriasis Education and Research Centre at Women’s College Hospital in Toronto. He then was senior medical photographer at Women’s College Hospital in Toronto and at Mount Sinai Hospital.

He received an A.A. degree from Ferris State College and a B.Sc. from Eastern Michigan University. He became a Registered Biological Photographer in 1984 and a Fellow of the BioCommunications Association in 2000. In 1984, he served as a photographic consultant on a special project for Atomic Energy Canada, where he participated in the development of moiré interferometry to detect scoliosis. Hendrix also taught photography for medical illustrators in the Department of Art as Applied to Medicine and photography of gross specimens in the Department of Pathology, both at the University of Toronto.

John has been very active in both local chapter and association-wide roles. He served five years in the House of Delegates and held positions on both the Board of Registry and the Board of Governors, serving as Vice President and President of BCA. John was the recipient of the Creer Service Award in 2008. Because of his rich history of service, he was chosen to be a member of a sixperson blue ribbon committee to establish guidelines for the BCA Maria Ikenberg Lindberg Trust endowment. Hendrix facilitated numerous learning opportunities for fellow professionals, chairing scientific programs at Chapter meetings and at the Association level. He has made presentations and published numerous papers.

His lifelong professional interactions have been supportive, thoughtful, and productive. Many have come to consider him a valued colleague of the highest order. John and his wife, Jocelyne, reside in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.