José Manuel Martínez López Exhibition
José Manuel Martínez López, winner of the Charles Foster Memorial Citation from BioImages 2022, is promoting two exhibitions. The first exhibition “Birrefingencia” (in Spanish ) will show crystals under polarizing microscopes and will be open from July 10-14 in the engineering building of Tecnologico de Monterrey Campus in Chihuahua, Mexico. This exhibition is part of the workshop of the “Club de Ciencias México”, which is also part of the
The second exhibition and sale of prints will be photos of flowers in fluorescence at the Flor y Canela Café in Saltillo City, Mexico from August 4 – September 1. 10% of the sales will be donated to the initiative “Café y Comida Pendiente” (Pending Coffee and Meal). This initiative consists of a person buying a meal that remains unserved until someone in need arrives at the Flor y Canela to have at least a good complete meal.