Exhibition opening turns into Australian BCA chapter reunion
Gale Spring, FBPA
The official opening of an exhibition by Danielle Edwards, FBCA was well attended at Goldstreet Studios in Trentham East, Victoria. Her exhibition, Through the Looking Glass, is a collection of silver gelatin prints contact printed from digital negatives.
Among the guests were BCA members Julie Murray, FBCA and her husband Steve who travelled the furthest interstate from Sydney, New South Wales, Peter Kinchington from the Dandenong ranges, Victoria, Dr. Robin Williams FBPA and his wife Gigi Williams FBCA who took a ‘country’ drive of 2-plus hours from their home on the coast east of Melbourne, Victoria.
The exhibition was opened by David Tatnall, a renowned landscape photographer and conservationist. He is the editor of View Camera Australia and a supporter of traditional photography techniques and has been a friend and colleague for many years. In addition to his supportive comments regarding Danielle’s work, David commented on his recent trip to Europe where he performed a photographic survey of galleries and of photography in general and noted a decline of traditional photographic processes in Australia.
As with most openings, there was a lot of discussion about current state of photography. But in addition, there was lots of reminiscing and talk of photography and BCA conferences past and still to come at BIOCOMM 2025 in Tucson Arizona.
Left to right: Robin Williams, Gigi Williams, Gale Spring, Danielle Edwards and Julie Murray.
Peter Kinchington (left) talking with Robin and Gigi Williams.